Thursday, August 06, 2009

This blog has a 5 cow rating, as no cows were inured in its making. People, however, may have been punched once or twice.

Being that I'm apparently turning Hippie, I am ALL concerned about the dairy my milk products come from. I know I know...If ONLY Hostess were organic...I'm sure it will be soon, if only in name.

SO in my VAST research (google) I have learned some interesting and shocking stuff. Now, I am not sharing this with you because I am being all up on my soapbox, but just so you don't waste your hard earned $$$ on buying organic stuff that isn't even organic.... When that good money could be spent on Leather shoes from italy!

LIKE apparently Horizon Products are full of it. this was interesting....

And also I read a BUNCH of stuff on how you shouldn't pay MORE for "free range eggs" cuz they're not. There's just ONE GIANT cage, or "barn" as they say. But it's all the same. So just buy regular eggs unless you're gonna be like me and raise some chickens in a SUPER cute chicken coop!

Also I found this rating chart for those of you who wanna know where to get REAL organic milk stuff.

This is all very difficult for me, as you can imagine. I am the people I make fun of!! But here's the thing. I will still and forevermore eat chocolate and if it comes from the ghetto of all cow the lock-down-prison of dairies, like the cows smoke a pack a day and eat off of food stamps...well, I did my part by buying good milk!

AND? I do NOT mention this stuff in public. As far as anyone knows...I kill bunnies and voted republican all the way.


Kristina P. said...

Honestly, I couldn't care less if tiny little 5 year-old sweat shop hands milked the cows themself, if the milk tastes good.

Actually, the kids could actually lay the eggs for all I care, as long as my eggs are delicious.

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

That's very interesting information and very scary. I haven't seen 99% of those 5 cow brands of milk ANYWHERE that I shop. Bummer.

Carin Davis said...

Let's buy chickens and a cow!!!!

dede said...

I thought you only killed hamsters.

Kathy B! said...

I have a beaver/rabbit cross breed that you can sacrifice if you need to prove your stuff.

JennyMac said...

Thanks for the info...always like to keep aware of more FDA related BS about organic/natural/cage free etc.

vanessa said...

next you'll be burning sage and buying crystals. nice.

btw, awesome milk --> the hollywood farmer's market on sundays.

Kris said...

Why on earth did I click that link and start reading about calves being weaned on the blood of other animals? WHY?

First we have SPARKLY vampires, and now we have VAMPIRE COWS?

Diane J. said...

I just came across your blog and I'm loving all the pictures of past movies and people (in their prime).

Here's where my age starts showing. The picture of the three alien-ish monsters on the left hand side: Green with big eyes and points on their heads? I've seen the show and I'm drawing a total blank on the name. Refresh my feeble brain, please.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

ha! and apparently I kill squirrels, I still need to blog about that one! I had heard about the free range eggs and stuff, I just buy the ones at Sams great price for 2 cartons of 18 eggs each! I think by this time we are all invaded with pesticides and antiobiotic containing produce, unless of course you grow your own animals. I just don't trust anyone anymore!

Counselormama said...

How is your chicken coop community doing? My parents have had to install an electric fence to keep the possums from coming to eat the poor chickens! Darwinism ain't pretty.

NIKOL said...

When you start learning about where you food comes from and what happens to it before it ends up in your kitchen, it has a snowball effect. Pretty soon you'll want to raise/make all your own food just so you know where it comes from!

I've read scary articles about how many impurities are in your average chocolate bar. It does not deter me from eating chocolate. In fact, I've convinced myself that all the gross stuff that ends up in there probably is what makes it so delicious.

rychelle said...

i will attest to the bunny killing. i totally saw you kill one in NYC.

(i really love that chicken coop and wish you would get one already)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)