Friday, June 11, 2010


Teen slave and Mick bonded yesterday as they stalked and mocked Diane Keaton. We, I mean THEY clearly need a better telephoto lense. I had NO part in this. THEY were parked on our couch as they filmed directly across the street. In NO WAY was I involved and or instigated this behavior! At one point DIane looked directly at us....THEM!

I think she has a great career ahead of her for star magazine.


Kristina P. said...

Wait, does she live across the street? I'm really shocked that she's dressed like a man. That's so unlike her. :P

seriously? said...

I am so confused by what the heck she was doing? She seemed perturbed that something was on her porch yet tried to pull it together at the end. Teen slave, fo sho, has a career at TMZ in her future.

peewee said...

They were filming a pilot for HBO called "tilda" ANd yah! Weird costume huh? Looked NOTHING like her regular clothes.

Carin said...

Is that Dakota!?!?!?
Remember when she was 3!? Or was she 2!?!?

p.s. Can I have your autographs!?

peewee said...

yes! Isn't that insane?!?!? Talk about feeling old!

NIKOL said...

I don't know why I think it's so funny that they were filming across the street, but I do. It's almost as funny as the idea of Diane Keaton doing a TV show.

Kris said...

Just another day in the glamorous life of a yoga master to the stars.