Thursday, December 20, 2007

seriously it's the season of GIVING

My yoga students often give me little christmas presents. It's SO sweet and cute. Usually it's like 20 bucks, or more often a starbucks card, or a CD or something. I am always totally touched by this.

and yet....

Today one of my students, a VERY WEALTHY gay guy in his late 40's dipped into his generosity hat, and WAYYYYYYYY overextended himself by giving me, all wrapped up in a mini gift bag from Wholefoods, (the kind of gift bag that is for giftCARDS) A brownie. ONE SINGLE BROWNIE. Wrapped in foil in the wholefoods giftcard bag.

So let me break this down for you.

He basically STOLE the giftcard bag from wholefoods, even though they're free WITH PURCHASE OF GIFTCARD, and baked a batch of brownies in which I was extended ONE. And these aren't even POT brownies (not that that would matter, I don't DO pot brownies, but at least the gesture would have been rare and special)

Last year I balked when someone gave me a $5 starbucks card, cuz come on, $5? really? Better not get a VENTI. But THIS takes the, emm, brownie, as it were.

I even opened the foil allll the way to see IF there was a gift card SOMEWHERE. I was even HOPING for a $5 wholefoods giftcard. I could have bought some mints or something.

call me ungrateful, but I have STANDARDS people. ONE brownie???!!

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