Thursday, May 08, 2008

Oh Thank Heaven, for 7-Eleven!

Guess who came to MY class again?


wait for it....

wait for it.....

Okay, it was Drew. AND she actually followed me in the parking lot, RAN to catch up to me, AND said "oh my GOD I'm SO glad you're here! I came on tuesday and it was someone else!"

I wonder if this is what Mother Teresa felt when she won the Nobel Peace Prize? I'm not here to brag, I myself am BARELY able to keep my shit together and act normal when she is standing about 2 feet away from me.

THE PROBLEM is that when she came to class the FIRST day, I pulled out all my best moves/sayings. It was like my greatest hits yoga album. And I only have ONE. SO I was scrambling for NEW profound things to say and then I heard myself quoting Cesar Millan and knew I had then crossed the boundaries from "best yoga teacher in my life" to "this chick is a total nut job" So then I just made the class SUPER hard so she'd forget what a dumbass I had been.

Totally other note, I seriously need to lose weight. NOW. I think I may have just crossed over from linebacker status to being able to play John Travolta's role in Hairspray

It's not my fault though. I have been sick for like 4 months. and sick=no work outs+comfort foods=15 more pounds or so. I don't wanna know what the "or so" is just yet. PLUS I never go to NY one month apart. Usually it's like 10 days every 5 months, and when I am in NY I HAVE to go to all my favorite NY food spots that don't exist in LA all in one week. Like...

Cupcakes, bagels (every morning) (just the bagels) (except for when sometimes it's the cupcakes too) Pizza slices, lasagna AND fettucini, hot dogs, chinese dumplings from "the dumpling guy", gelato that is SO good I always get THREE scoops. (in my defense here, it's three flavors that HAVE to go together, so if they made like, ONE flavor that incorporated all three, I would just get one scoop) (riiiightt) and vietnamese bun Xao noodles (I can't even begin to describe these they are SO GOOD!)

And that's just the FIRST 3 days....then I repeat...

SO going to NY that close together was problematic.

PLUS when I ran into 7-eleven tonight to see if they had NY-quil I Tripped over a package of Hostess ZINGERS! There they were, just RIGHT in the middle of the aisle. weird, huh!? I thought they didn't even MAKE those anymore!! SO of course they practically THREW themselves into my arms. And now I'm in fear that every single time I drive by a 7-eleven it's going to be a battle. I used to have 7-eleven issues when they first came out with their version of taquitos (YUMMMMM) I literally would drive to new Jersey on my way to target and I would PLAN on driving by just to get those damn taquitos. And before THAT it was corn nuts. CORN NUTS! I swear, 7-11 is the store for foods that never die.

ah well, it could be worse. i could be going in there to buy me a 40 ouncer of michelob. I mean. that's WORSE, right?


dede said...

ok mother kristi - i am impressed - but have your really eaten taquitos from 7-11 - that is such a bill thing - although who am i to talk - remember the first time you took me to the hostess outlet and i ended up in the ER that night and had to tell them that i had a choc. cupcake, cherry pie and brownie for BREAKFAST!! ahh the good times - lets have a contest (not a hostess contest) a who can lose 30 lbs first contest - the loser has to fly to go see the winner (although then maybe i would lose on purpose) we may have to work on the prize - what do you think???

peewee said...

yah! but YOU don't need to lose 30 lbs...but whatever! I'm down with that :)And yah...I do remember the emergency room trip...HAHAHHAHAHHAA....but I told you not to eat that SPOILED cherry pie!!

dede said...

your right - i don't need to loose 30 lbs. - i need to loose 50 - darn winter!!